Rally Obedience

Is your dog an obedience rockstar?

Rally Obedience might be their sport!

Rally Obedience (Rally-O) is a great way to build your relationship with your dog while honing your skills in obedience! This activity involves moving through a numbered course which includes a variety of obedience exercises, focusing on precision and building your dog's engagement with you as a handler.  Rally-O can be done for fun or in a trial environment.

We are pleased to offer Rally Obedience at three experience levels for students who have completed basic obedience training at Luv-A-K9.

Rally Obedience Courses


Get acquainted with Rally Obedience! This course introduces 29 different signs that include heeling, sits, turns, proper returns, pace-changes, and elements of recall.


Intermediate Obedience

This course runs for 1-hour a week for 6 weeks and costs $180+ HST.

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Building upon the foundational skills in Novice Rally-O, Advanced introduces more difficult elements (such as jumps) while going through the course off leash.


Novice Rally-O

This course runs for 1-hour a week for 6 weeks and costs $180+ HST.

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Excellent Rally-O adds a little extra challenge to the skills and signs learned in Novice and Advanced. Agility equipment (tunnels, weave poles) are incorporated.


Advanced Rally-O

This course runs for 1-hour a week for 6 weeks and costs $180+ HST.

Sign Up

Finished all three levels of Rally-O Courses?

Keep learning with Rally-O Practice!

The fun doesn't have to stop once you complete Excellent Rally-O! Rally Obedience Practice is open to dogs and handlers who have completed all three levels of Rally-O courses at Luv-A-K9.

Get in touch!

Interested in Competing?

Many of our students complete training as a way to build relationships with their dogs and keep the learning going following basic obedience. That said, we have a number of students who choose to compete in Rally-Obedience. Our instructors are well-versed in the world of trialling and are happy to support your competition goals.

Share your training journey with us!
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